Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Buggin' Out

Cold medicine makes me sleepy.  It doesn't matter if it's the day time formula or the night time formula, my eye lids become equally lazy either way.  I hate being sick.

Before you chime in with "doesn't everyone?" let me just elaborate on what a rare occasion it is that a virus will have it's way with me.  I'm a carrier.  My nickname growing up was Typhoid Jenny.  I would sneeze or cough a little and the entire house would be nearly quarantined by the CDC.  I remember being constantly sick for a period of about a year or so when I was in pre-school.  I was so used to being sick that once I very matter-of-factly told my dad, "I'm gonna be sick".  To which he replied, "No you're not." I, of course, proceeded to get sick all over the doorstep and then looked at him and said, "I told you." I was five years old.

It must have been during this period that almost every common virus or bacteria attacked me and I built up sufficient defenses for them to just ride around on me until they found an unsuspecting and ill-prepared victim.  After nearly two decades of being a contagion, my kids started school and a whole new breed of bugs was introduced to my highly trained immune system.  I had a couple of years of white blood cell boot camp and was illness-free once again. Until now.

Maybe it's the tropical climate or the idiotic hand scan time clock system I have to use at work.  Or maybe I'm subconsciously manipulating my immune system so I won't go to work!  Hey, stranger things have happened.

I have one paid sick day left until next August.  At this rate, I won't make it that long without taking a day off. Just in case this viral attack is a consipracy between my psyche and immune system, I will be working on my resume tonight and actively seeking new cheese.  The bacteria-free kind.

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